Thursday, 22 October 2020 18:27

God's DNA Part 1

To understand God’s DNA we look at the first and second Adam as seen through the Hebrew language and insightsJohn 7:15 reads, “The Jews were surprised and asked, "How can this man be so educated when he hasn't gone to school?“ What is the study of letters? This is the closest thing to early believers as they studied the Scriptures on Shabbat Why do we look at these things? Because as we study them, we…
Thursday, 22 October 2020 15:12

God's DNA Part 2

There are Five Stages of Soul GrowthThere are five stages of soul growth (Time and Space). They are:1. Beginning (Genesis) – these are our earliest year’s lessons learned in family/close-knit groups2. Finding Your Name (Exodus) -We are a young adult. Our experience questions about who we are/ want to be. In the end, a house is built, and peace of God dwells in us3. God Calls (Leviticus) – We have mastered many of the rituals…
Sunday, 04 October 2020 19:17

Hebrew vs Greek Mindset - Part 1

The Hebrew vs the Greek WorldviewThere is a two-fold problem trying to understand the “Greek Mindset”1) it is so all-pervasive that it lies below the threshold of our daily assumptions2) the very attempt to define it is a function of the Greek mindset itself There is an extremely basic foundation that must be laid to understand Spiritual Authority. It is the “Hebrew – Greek Mindset”. We live in a Greek Culture and it is this…
Sunday, 04 October 2020 18:22

Hebrew vs Greek Mindset - Part 2

History of Greek InfluencePlato (428-348): His University became the model of the modern University.- To the Greek world, “Truth” is understood as “justified true belief”- The everyday world of particulars is always in a state of flux.- Inferences regarding its objects are really opinions based on sensations.- If there's truth about the physical world, that world exists, then it is the truth about the ideal world, which also exists.  This led to a dualism in…
Sunday, 27 September 2020 15:54

The Jewish Soul Part 1

The Foundation1 Thessalonians 5:23 "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. This verse cites three elements: Body: physical - it’s easy for us to see/touch/feel/taste/smell the physical things Soul: mind, will, emotions – • This encompasses the emergent aspects that seem to happen in our brain, the things that make each…
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