He was called “Simon the zealot” because of his zealous attachment to his religion as a Jew. This presentation answers the questions: Who was Simon the Zealot? What act changed Simon, the Zealot, to an Apostle? What is a “Zealot”? How did he become a Martyr? Who was the Apostle who died with him?
The Brothers
Sharing the Name
The Name’s Meaning
Why a Zealot?
His Calling
Origin of Zealot
“Heart of the Zealot” (2)
How and Why?
Before the Messiah - The Miracle
Miracle: The Timing
Miracle: The Best
Miracle: The Revelation
Miracle: The Consequences
With the Messiah: Two by Two
Simon’s Questions at Gethsemane (2)
Acts Chapter 2 (2)
His Journey
His Death
Theory: One
Theory: Two
Theory: Three
Life Lesson 1
Life Lesson 2
Life Lesson 3
End of Presentation