Means, “And Come Near”

HafTorah: Ezekiel 37:15-28

Brit Hadashah: Luke 6:9-16; Acts 7:9-16 (specifically vv.13-15)

Outline of the Parsha:

Genesis 44:18-34      - Judah defends Benjamin before Joseph
Genesis 45:1-20        - Joseph reconciles w/his brothers
Genesis 45:21-28      - Jacob told about Joseph
Genesis 46:1-7          - Jacob moves to Egypt
Genesis 46:8-27        - Those who came to Egypt
Genesis 46:28-34      - Joseph & Jacob Meet
Genesis 47:1-19        - Jacob’s Family settle in Goshen
Genesis 47:20-27      - Results of the Famine

It covers the following:

It starts by giving an introduction of “Vayigash” - the Parsha of Reconciliation.
It continues by explaining Joseph as a “Survivor” and follows through with his “Survivor Gear.
It follows through by explaining the rules of “Roulette” and compares it to this Parsha.
It answers the question: Did Judah know it was Joseph he was talking to?
It covers Judah’s problem when he was facing Joseph.
It continues with the brother’s reaction when Joseph said “I am Joseph.”
It covers Jacob explaining his age to Pharaoh.
It continues by covering Jacob’s “exit visa” to go to Egypt with God.
It explains the four “Visa Counts” of the number of people who left Canaan to go to Egypt.
It closes by comparing the Messiah with Joseph.

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