Means, “Accounts”

HafTorah: 1 Kings 7:51 – 8:21 (A) I Kings 7:40:50 (S)

Brit Hadashah: II Corinthians 3:7-18; Revelation 15:5-8

Outline of the Parsha:

Exodus 38:21-23                     - The Reckoning

Exodus 38:24-31                    - The Materials Used

Exodus 39:1-7                         - Aaron’s Vestments: The Ephod

Exodus 39:8-21                       - Aaron’s Vestments: The Breastplate

Exodus 39:22-26                     - Aaron’s Vestments: The Robe

Exodus 39:27-29                     - Aaron’s Vestments: The Tunics of Linen

Exodus 39:30-31                     - Aaron’s Vestments: The Headpiece

Exodus 39:32-43                     - Moses Inspects the Tabernacle

Exodus 40:1-16                       - The Command to setup the Tabernacle

Exodus 40:17-33                     - The Tabernacle is erected

Exodus 40:34-38                     - The Glory of G-d

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