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What If I'm Wrong?: The Atheist's Nightmare

This book opens the door to both the atheist and the believer. It can change or destroy the atheist’s foundation and strengthen and consolidate the believer’s trust and faith in God.

All proceeds go for the support of Torahlife Ministry. 


The Ladder Of Trust

Published in 2007, "The Ladder of Trust," book explains how the connection between your trust and faith can re-ignite the fire in your spirit and bring order, joy and peace in your life.  "The Ladder of Trust" takes the reader through the seven levels of faith and moves the reader through the seven pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle.

All proceeds go for the support of Torahlife Ministry. 


What If I'm Wrong?: The Atheist's Nightmare Ebook PDF

This book opens the door to both the atheist and the believer. It can change or destroy the atheist’s foundation and strengthen and consolidate the believer’s trust and faith in God.

All proceeds go for the support of Torahlife Ministry. 


What If I'm Wrong?: The Atheist's Nightmare Ebook MOBI

This book opens the door to both the atheist and the believer. It can change or destroy the atheist’s foundation and strengthen and consolidate the believer’s trust and faith in God.

All proceeds go for the support of Torahlife Ministry. 


What If I'm Wrong?: The Atheist's Nightmare Kindle EPUB

This book opens the door to both the atheist and the believer. It can change or destroy the atheist’s foundation and strengthen and consolidate the believer’s trust and faith in God.

All proceeds go for the support of Torahlife Ministry. 


¿Y Si Estoy Equivocado?: La Pesadilla de un Ateo (Spanish Edition)

¿Qué pasaría si pensaras que algo es cierto y descubres que está mal, cuándo querrías saberlo?

Ron Warren era un buen ateo. Aplicó cinco campos de batalla principales que usaría un ateo. Estos campos de batalla hacen las preguntas:

  • ¿Dios existe?
  • ¿Es la Biblia verdadera?
  • ¿Hay resurrección?
  • ¿Es Jesús Dios?
  • ¿Es Jesús el único camino a Dios?

En estos campos de batalla, sus armas eran preguntas, atacando gentilmente a los creyentes a través del “POR QUÉ” de sus creencias.
