“A Person persuaded against His Will, is of the Same Decision Still

 A) The Theology

This movement is about using God’s correct name, restoring it, and giving a revelation to people that are supposedly in darkness. Many in the Sacred Name Movement are involved in a metaphysical new age slant of the Bible and an added practice of legalism.

What is the legalism?

Unless one uses the Hebrew name and only the Hebrew name for God that person will be eternally damned. With absolutely no proof historically or scholastically for their claims, they make two errors:

  • They put down the name of “Jesus” calling it pagan.
  • They categorize all Believers that do not speak his correct Hebrew name as following and calling on a pagan God.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses have tried to do the same thing, but the Sacred Name Movement is further down the same shaky road. How?

This movement’s claim is that the Hebrew pronunciation of Yeshua as his correct (in Hebrew) and only name must be used and pronounced. They will change the ORIGINAL Hebrew be make it possible to pronounce Yeshua and Adonai’s Names according to their Doctrine. They are saying that Adonai’s view is “if you didn’t pronounce my name right, I’m not going to save you.” The implication is that from the beginning of the Jewish Synagogue/Gentile Church up until now, it has been incorrect and the people were unsaved.

Three questions:

Q - Is this statement true?

Q - If yes, is God as legalistic as they present him?

Q - Who changed the language from one language to, at that time, seventy different languages – God or Man?

POINT: The Problem comes when someone makes the Hebrew pronunciation as theonly language that his name can be spoken in. We should have no problem in using “Yahshua” (their translation) or his name translated into another language IF it accurately conveys the meaning of “who he is”

POINT of History: Hebrew, as a spoken language, did not exist for almost 2000 years. It was Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (1858-1922) who revived the spoken Hebrew Language in Israel. From 200ce to 1800ce, Hebrew had no function as a spoken language, but served as a written language. During this time, the Bible, Mishnah, and Talmud were studied. Each Jewish community developed its own oral tradition of the Bible, Mishnah, and Talmud. This process created different Hebrew/Aramaic Hebrew language mixtures (Example: Yiddish, and Judezmo –“Judeo-Spanish”). If the Hebrew was such a sacred language, the Sanhedrin would not have translated it into the Greek almost 400 years before the Messiah came.The word was to be proclaimed to all people in all languages (Book of Revelation). This means it was not limited to the Hebrew only.

Consider this: It was the Roman Catholic Church's teaching that Latin was the sacred language and that the word of God was not to be translated in any other. For instance, John Wycliffe wanted the Scriptures translated in the common tongue just as the Greek (koine) was. The Sacred Name Movement is making the same error about the name of God that the Catholic Church did for the word of God.

B) The Problems

The name YHVH (Tetragrammaton) is used 7000 times in the bible, sometimes referring to the Messiah (Jeremiah 23:5, and Zechariah 14.)  

Here is the Point: The personality, the nature of God is not known in a pronunciation of his name. It is revealed in all His Holy Word, not just his name. 

Q - If someone loves His Word and has respect for it why would they try to change it?

Q - How can they respect the Word when they deny it was written in Greek by the apostles who were Jewish?

Instead, the Sacred Name Movement changed it to Hebrew for their own liking, creating an intentional slant that may or may not be well meaning, but its end is divisive. Division is fine if it is for pure truth but this is not found in that category, it is deception. It is written in Psalms 138:2: “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” This is the opposite of what the Sacred Name Movement is saying. This does not mean we dispense with his name but we can speak it in whatever language it is written in, whether its Hebrew, Greek, Russian etc.

Q - If God’s word is written in different languages and it is exalted even above His name, doesn’t this diffuse any argument from the Sacred Name position of speaking His name in the original language only?

God is not a God of confusion; He makes Himself known by and through His revealed word in the Holy Bible.  He has placed His Word above all His name, and those who love his name should not tamper with changing His Word. Sacred Name groups put down the word because it is not in the language they consider sacred (Hebrew), so they mock the word and in so doing mock His name. This becomes the end result from their denial of the language the Brit Hadashah was actually written in.

The Scriptures are Jewish

If the Sacred Name doctrine was used during the time of Yeshua, It would have been taught by the Apostles to their disciples, who became the early church fathers, There is NO RECORD that this was done. If their doctrine was used, it would have become church law during the Council of Nicaea in 325CE. There is NO RECORD that this was done. If their doctrine was used, Augustine would have created the Theology for it. There is NO RECORD in ANY of these places of their doctrine.

Historical Fact

What was the process used to write the name of God? The Jewish scribes, when translating the Scriptures, would go out, wash their hands, and change their clothes so they were clean when they wrote his name. (whatever that pronunciation may be).  The Jews were not superstitious regarding the name of God, they had a great deal of respect for it.

POINT: They went far in making sure God's name was not to be taken in vain.

What does this mean? There are no manuscripts showing these names in the Brit Hadashah, so it is not a requirement to correct the word Father to Yahweh or the Son to Yahshua.  If the name "Yahweh," from the Greek, were all over the Brit Hadashah, the Body of Messiah would be using it today. There is no conspiracy to hide or change it as some Sacred Name members claim.

The Sacred Name Movement uses Hebrew only because:

  • They place the Tanakh (OT) above the Brit Hadashah (NT).
  • They actually reject the Greek Scriptures as inspired.
  • They have determined, wrongly, since the apostles are Jews they couldn’t write in Greek.
  • Some believe that Hebrew is the Holy language and Greek is pagan.

Consider this:

Q - According to Jewish law, Yeshua was sacrificed on a pagan cross, what does this prove?

Q - Does this mean He was pagan?

Q - What does this ALL add up to?

This Sacred Name Movement’s doctrine is of man and not of God.

POINT: There is some validity to knowing God’s name in Hebrew, but it is not a matter of salvation.  If that were true, the whole Body of Messiah, from the beginning, has been unsaved and only a few Hebrew speaking persons could grasp this truth.

The Origin

This doctrine is less than 100 years old (1930CE). It never existed before 1928. Their doctrine started in Holt, Michigan, not Israel. The Movement started with the formation of the Assembly of Yahweh in Holt, Michigan, USA in the early 1930s. Before this time, it did not exist. There is NO RECORD found in:

- The Didache                                  Before 100CE              No Record   

- The Epistle of Barnabas                100CE                          No Record

- Justin Martyr                                  100-165CE                   No Record

- Irenaeus                                         120-202CE                   No Record   

- Tertullian                                        145-220CE                   No Record

- Hermas                                          160CE                          No Record

- Hippolytus                                      170-236CE                   No Record

- Cyprian                                           200-258CE                  No Record

- Victorinus                                       3rd or 4th Century        No Record   

- Augustine                                      354-430CE                    No Record

The Lack of vowels in Hebrew until the 7th Century


No one knows how to correctly pronounce his name. Sacred Name believers make this huge argument there is no ‘J’ letter in the Hebrew language (this is true).  But they have no proof God’s name is correctly pronounced “Yahweh” either.There were no vowels written in the Hebrew language until well after the Messiah's time.  (750-789CE). No one knows how to ACCURATELY pronounce his name; but this does not stop certain legalists from condemning others who use the English to call on his name from their heart. They could be wrong too.

Why? We were not there to hear how it was actually pronounced. The Name this movement uses has been pronounced, and used by them at one time or another, as “YAHWAH”, “YAH VAH”, Yoahu OL”, “Iahueh”, “Yalweh,” “Yah”, Yalvah”, “YHVH”, “YHWH”, “Yahway”, “Yahuweh”, and “Yaluah” 

Q - Which of these choices are the vowels CORRECTLY “known and spoken”? 

POINT: To Translate is to Destroy

Despite their claims on the name, “Yahweh” or “Yashua” cannot be pronounced the same in every language. Why?  Certain dialects do not have the letter pronunciations, or the written language.

Example: The people in Mexico call the Lord “Hay-soos” in THEIR language and God knows whom they are calling on. To say God will not answer them is to make God to be like a man who does not understand the heart or language which has finite abilities. However the Sacred Name Movement insists that it can, even to the point of breaking the rules in certain dialects. The model they are using is that the Hebrews wrote the Scriptures. They are betrayed by their own hypocrisy of “do as I say, but don't do as I do.” Why?

If God only hears his Hebrew name and the Jews spoke only Hebrew, why do some think they can say only His name in Hebrew and then go on speaking in their own language (English etc.)  It’s not only God’s name written in Hebrew but all the Tanakh. If they were true to their theology of speaking His name only in the Hebrew language it should be a requirement to read and speak Hebrew as well. Many Sacred Name teachers have used certain names for God in the past being absolutely sure they found the correct interpretation, only to find later on they were incorrect and changed it.

Q - What is to guarantee that the name they presently are using is the absolute correct name and will not change again?

Some Sacred Name members now claim the correct pronunciation of the name that other members previously thought it was, and already abandoned it.  Confusion reigns in their search for the name that will bring salvation. 

Problem: God is not the author of confusion.

POINT: As mentioned before, there were no vowels to pronounce the Hebrew until about 1,100 years ago.

 Q - How can one know the correct pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton?

Hebrew scholars admit that the Hebrew language was all but lost to general use until modern times, which saw a resurgence as part of the rebuilding the Hebrew nation of Israel.

Fact #2 - The Masoretes

There are no ancient Hebrew manuscripts that predate the Greek in the Brit Hadashah. The Hebrew Masoretic text of the Tanakh dates back to the end of the first year C.E. The Hebrew language is usually written only in consonants, which consists of 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet, and the Hebrew Bible was originally a written in consonants in the Hebrew text. During the early part of the tenth century (895-1000 C.E.) there was a group of Jews called the Masoretes. These Jewish scribes, as all scribes, were meticulous in their copying of the text. The texts they had were all in capital letters, and there was no punctuation or paragraphs.

The Masoretic text has a system of dots and dashes called “pointing;” (these are vowel pronunciations) which had been added to the consonants in order to aid in the words pronunciation. The Masoretic text is the standard text used today for all Bible translations.

Point: Without these aids we would have no idea how to pronounce certain words. When we take away the vowels in our English language we may not know how to pronounce a word. For Example: Love- lv, weather-wthr, redemption would look likerdmptn, or Rsrrctn for resurrection. It would be hard to figure out what the word exactly is or how to accurately pronounce it. It is similar in the Hebrew. Even with the aids there is no absolute assurance of certain words spoken correctly the way the originally were.

Case in point: God's name is represented without the vowels “YHWH”.

All languages have words that combine in syntactic patterns to convey meanings through the use of speech sound. The meaning of a word is expressed through the sound. We use words to communicate meanings, not meanings to communicate words.  To give a “NAME” means to describe one's identity their character or nature. That is what it meant to the Hebrews. It’s meaningless to pronounce a word that one cannot understand. It is more sensible and biblical to call Him by the word that has an equivalent meaning in your language.

Example: Some words spoken in one language can have a favorable meaning, or can be offensive in another. The purpose of translating languages is to convey meanings of the words, not how they sound.

The Sacred Name Movement is demanding the Body of Messiah adopt a name unfamiliar to their spoken language and culture. They are denying that the Savior could be known to all by His claims, His person, and His word. The Name can only be known by a special knowledge; their INSPIRED pronunciation of the name. (Depending whatever Sacred Name group they are in). They are insisting that the person of Yeshua (“Jesus”) we know is false and a myth.Why? It is because the name is not being pronounced in their correct understanding of the Hebrew language.

 The Hebrew word for his name is translated “Yahvah” only in Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4, and in other compound names. This name is never used in the Septuagint (LXX.), the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Apocrypha, or in the Brit Hadashah.

Q - Did they intentionally leave it out as some conspiracy?

Q - Did they forget how to pronounce it?

No, they simply transferred it to another language.  In most versions of the LXX which have come down to us through ancient manuscript copies by the Hebrew scribes, the word Lord (Greek, kurios) is used in place of the divine name. This practice is also followed in all of the thousands of ancient Brit Hadashah Greek manuscripts that have survivedAre the Other Names of God in Scripture “Titles”?

The word “Name” (Onoma – 3686 - NT) has this meaning: “the name is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc.” God is infinitely more concerned about the TRUTH being spoken, and the reasons it is spoken, than He is with HOW his name is enunciated by the different people of the world! To study the names of God gives us insight into his character and nature. I

In the Bible names have meanings, which often express ones character.

God himself CHANGED the names of certain people. This did not mean that they no longer were that same person. He gave them a new name because he did something new in them that would help remind them of what God did.

  • Genesis 17:5 Abram ("Lofty and exalted father") changed to Abraham ("Father of the Multitudes").
  • Genesis 32:28 Jacob ("heel grabber") changed to Israel ("Prince or ruler of God").
  • Genesis 17:15 Sarai ("domineering") changed  to Sarah ("lady, princess, queen").
  • Matthew 16:17-18 Simon ("hearing") changed to Peter ("small rock") . 

The word for Lord is pronounced many different ways and He, God (Elohim) is not known by one name only. “Elohim” is used of God just as many times as “YHVH” is (sometimes combined).

Another claim by the Sacred Name Movement is the word Lord is “Baal”, and is used of false Gods only. Because of this no one is allowed to use the word Lord since there is a word for lord that the pagans used. In Unger's Dictionary “Baal” (Heb. ba`al, "master") gives three meanings. It is applied to:

  • Heathen deities.
  • To the man as husband.
  • To one especially skilled in a trade or profession.

Do yourself a favor: Look it up and you will see this is true.

Q - Would a wife who called her husband Baal mean he is a false God?

Q - Where is the logic in this position?

The Scriptures have God himself using the word Baal for himself. Certainly to take the position of the Sacred Name Movement means one must change what God himself said in his inspired Hebrew writings. It is written in Jeremiah 31:32: "Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband (Baal) unto them, saith the LORD." It is written in Isaiah 54:5: "For thy Maker is thine husband; (Baal) the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called." Here is God, who was a husband to Israel using the Hebrew name “Baal”, proving that even “YHVH,” had no problem applying this name which means master or husband to himself.  

God spoke to Abraham and others without them calling on or speaking his Hebrew name.  Adam, Enoch, or Noah, never called God by his true name because they did not speak Hebrew. Nor did they know the Lord by the name YHVH until the time of Moses. It is written in Exodus 6:3: “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, LORD, (YHVH) I was not known to them.”

This communication of God to Moses is interesting in that the God Almighty is called baEl (Baal in the Hebrew) shadday and the Word Lord is Hawyaw (from the rootHahvah) meaning to exist eternally. This stops the argument of Sacred Name Movement that Baal is exclusive to false Gods. Here the true God identifies himself with this name to the early saints.

In Genesis 4:26, people, not knowing the name YHVH, called on the Lord. “And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the LORD, and God answered them. This was done without the Hebrew language! Jacob knew God as El Shaddai (“the Almighty”) in Genesis 17:1; not by his personal name. Even Moses did not call him YHVH;but I Am by the instruction from God himself. When God said my name is I AM who I AM – “EhYeh asher EhYeh.” This is not the exact same as Yahweh no matter how you cut it. Both “eyeh” and “YHVH” (Yahweh) are of the root meaning, the word “Haya”; but are not the same exact pronunciation or in writing.

Even the Father does not use the name Yeshua (“Jesus”) to communicate to his Son. He calls him “Son”, as he had before he was incarnated, showing their previous relationship continuing from eternity.

God is called numerous names in the Tanakh, none of which is Yeshua specifically. Some of His other names are:

  • YHVH- Rapha - “The Lord that heals.”
  • The man whose name is “the Branch” Zechariah 6:12, 3:8, which is attributed to Yeshua.
  • YHVH-Tsidkenu- his name (a man) will be called the “Lord our righteousness” (Jeremiah 23:6), which is attributed to Yeshua.
  • Just as El was attached to a description for his name so is YHVH, as recorded inExodus 15:3.
  • “My name is Quanna (Jealous),” recorded in Exodus 34:14. Here God himself says a different name than YHVH.

If Sacred Name groups are going to continue to argue the point of calling on “Yahweh” only, than they now have to argue against “Yahweh” Himself. WHY? It is written in Isaiah 9:6 “His name will be called wonderful, counselor, mighty God, Father of eternity, prince of peace.”

There are numerous names God used to describe himself in this passage and others.  (“Wonderful” means “unable to comprehend”). No name or speech can fully describe Him). His name is Wonderful, but Sacred Name groups say it has become corrupted.

     1.  The Salvation Question

Q - How do they handle the name of “Jesus”?

The salvation question comes down to do we call on the name of the son for salvation or believe on the son and his work?

Q - Did Yeshua ask people to believe only in his name only or who he was?

It’s not knowing the correct pronunciation of the name, but the person behind it – Knowing HIM, in his nature and characteristics.

Q - Who do the Sacred Name members know him as?

     2. Misquoted Scriptures

NEVER use Hebrew words when you translate the Greek Manuscript of the Brit Hadashah (NT).  The meanings will be different. They changed the Greek Manuscript by adding the Hebrew Word, YAHWAH, to fit their doctrine. Ask them to show you where the Hebrew name of YAHWAH is used in the Brit Hadashah.  That name is not there.

Allow me to give you some examples. I did not change the words of Scriptures. I did add the meanings, in HEBREW / GREEK as to the REAL MEANING when the Sacred Name Movement used YAHWAH.

It is written in Exodus 3:13-15 And Mosheh said unto YAHWEH (Elohiym - #430),Behold, when I come unto the children of Yisrael, and shall say unto them, YAHWEH(Elohiym) your ABBA (Father – ab #1) hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is HIS NAME (Shem)? what shall I say unto them? And YAHWEH (Elohiym)said unto Mosheh, I AM THAT I AM: and HE said, Thus hall you say unto the children of Yisrael, I AM hath sent me unto you. And YAHWEH (Elohiym) said moreover unto Mosheh, Thus shall you say unto the children of Yisrael, YAHWEH the ABBA (YHVH – Elohiym) of your fathers (ab-#1), the ABBA of Abraham, the ABBA of Isaac, and the ABBA of Ya'aqob, hath sent me unto you: this is MY NAME (Shem) for ever, and this is MY memorial unto all generations.

POINT: They claim it reads “YAHWAH” yet the Hebrew clearly reads “Elohiym” – a Plural of “EL”, which they say is a pagan god. This scripture is saying that Elohiym is His Name, not YAHWEH.It is written in Psalms 68:4 Sing unto YAHWEH (Elohiym), sing praises to HIS NAME: extol HIM that rides upon the heavens by HIS NAME YAHWEH, (JAH – Yahh) and rejoice before HIM.

POINT: Again, they changed the scriptures to read “YAHWEH” when the Hebrew reads, “Elohiym”, a Plural of “EL”, which they say is a pagan god. It is written in Psalms 8:9 O YAHWEH (YHVH) our ABBA (Lord – Adown - #113), how excellent is YOUR NAME in all the earth!

POINT: Here they changed the scripture to read “ABBA” meaning “Father” when the Hebrew clearly reads “Adown” meaning “Lord.” It is written in Micah 4:5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the NAME of YAHWEH (YHVH) our ABBA (Elohiym) for ever and ever.

POINT: Here they changed the scripture to read ABBA meaning “Father” when the Hebrew clearly reads “Elohiym” a Plural of “EL”, which they say is a pagan god.

Before we touch the Brit Hadashah Scriptures, let’s look at two definitions:

LORD (Kurios - 2962) (NT)

  • He to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord.
  • The possessor and disposer of a thing.
  • The owner; one who has control of the person, the master.
  • In the state: the sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor.
  • A name of honor expressive of respect and reverence, with which servants greet their master.

GOD (Theos - 2316) (NT) used 23 times in book, 1314 in NT

  • A god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities.
  • The Godhead, trinity.
  • God the Father.
  • The Messiah.
  • Holy Spirit.
  • Spoken of the only and true God.
  • Refers to the things of God.
  • His counsels, interests, things due to him.
  • Whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way.
  • God's representative or vice-regent.
  • Magistrates and judges.

Now let’s look at the Brit Hadashah Scriptures they changed to fit their doctrine. They placed the Hebrew name of YAHWEH into GREEK, and have YAHWEH meaning both “Kurios” and “Theos” - TWO Different Greek words, with TWO different meanings.

Q - How does that work?

It is written in Acts 2:20-21 “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of YAHWEH (Kurios-2962) come: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the NAME of YAHWEH(Kurios-2962) shall be saved.”

It is written in Acts 4:10-12 “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Yisrael, that by the NAME of YAHSHUA MESSIYAH of Nazareth, whom you impaled (crucified),whom YAHWEH(Theos - 2416) raised from the dead, even by HIM doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation (Yshuw'ah) in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

It is written in Philippians 2:7-11 “But made HIMSELF of no reputation, and took upon HIM the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, HE humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the stake (cross). Wherefore YAHWEH (“Theos” -2416) also hath highly exalted HIM, and given HIM a NAME which is above every name: That at the NAME of YAHSHUA every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH is Sovereign Ruler, to the honor of YAHWEH(“Theos”-2416) our ABBA.”

It is written in Revelation 3:12 HIM that overcomes will I make a pillar in the house of MY ABBA (God – “Theos”-2416), and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the NAME of MY ABBA (God –“Theos”- 2416), and the NAME of the city of MY ABBA (God – “Theos” - 2416), which is new Yerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from MY ABBA (God –“Theos”- 2416): and I will write upon him MY new NAME(Onoma).

POINT: Q - HOW can they take one of the GREEK names of God (“Theos”), which they applied to mean “YAHWEH” and make it mean ABBA (“Father”)?

It is written in Revelation 11:18-19 “And the nations were angry, and YOUR wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that YOU should give reward unto YOUR servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear YOUR NAME, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth. And the House of YAHWEH (“Kurios”-2962) was opened in heaven, and there was seen in HIS House the ark of HIS Covenant: and there were lightenings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”

It is written in Revelation 13:5-6 “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against YAHWEH (God – “Theos” - 2416), to blaspheme HIS NAME, and HIS Tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”

It is written in Revelation 15:4 “Who shall not fear YOU, O YAHWEH (“Kurios” – 2962), and honor YOUR NAME? for YOU only are Qodesh-( Set Apart) for all nations shall come and worship before YOU; for YOUR judgments are made manifest.”

It is written in Revelation 16:8-9 “And the fourth malak poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the NAME of YAHWEH (“Theos” - 2416), which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give HIM honor.”

It is written in Revelation 22:3-4 “And there shall be no more curse: but the throne ofYAHWEH (“Theos”-2416) and of the Lamb shall be in it; and HIS servants shall serve HIM: And they shall see HIS face; and HIS NAME shall be in their foreheads.”

Confusion among the Ranks

The confusion in their revelation position is rampant. “Yahweh” is the chosen name for:

  • “The Book of Yahweh”, published by The House of Yahweh, a SN group located in Texas.
  • The “Sacred Scriptures” from Assemblies of Yahweh of Pennsylvania, and
  • The “Holy Name Bible” from the Scripture Research Association.


  • The “Restoration of the Original Sacred Name Bible” from the Missionary Dispensary Bible Research has “YAHVAH”.
  • The “Exegeses Ready Research Bible” by Herb Yahn uses “YAH-VEH”, dividing the name into two words.
  • “Assemblies of the called out ones of Yah”, calls the son "Yeshuah."
  • The “Assembly of Yahvah” Believes “Yahvah” is the oldest and most correct rendering of the four sacred consonants from the Hebrew Scriptures into the English scriptures, and the true, correct, abbreviated form “Yahshua”, is the Savior's name.

Q - How can they ALL be right?

Conclusion – The Five Bibles and their Functions

Q - What Bible should you used? To answer this question, another question must be answered. The question you must ask is “What is your purpose / function?”  Why?

There are basically five types of Bibles.  You CANNOT use one bible and expect it to fulfill the purpose / function of another.  The five types are:

1. Word for Word [literal, complete equivalent]:

This type attempts to translate by keeping as close as possible to the exact words and phrasing in the original language, yet still making sense in the translated language.  A literal translation will keep the historical portion intact at all points.

2. Thought for Thought [Dynamic Equivalent]:

This type attempts to translate words, idioms, and grammatical constructions of the original language into equivalents in the translated language.  This type of translation keeps the historical distance on all historical and MOST factual matters, but “UPDATES” matters of language, grammar, and style [This should NOT be used to determine the meanings of Words]

3. Paraphrase – Free:

This type attempts to translate the ideas from one language to another with less concern about using the exact words of the original.  This translation tries to eliminate as much of the historical distance as possible.

4. Theologically biased:

This type is designed to “Line Up” with the teaching of a particular group or belief

5. Culturally biased:

This type is designed to “Line Up” with a particular Race / culture.

With these functions in mind, let’s look at the Bibles:

1. Word for Word:

  • King James Bible [KJ]
  • New King James [NKJ]
  • New American Standard Bible [NASB]
  • New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]
  • Revised Standard Version [RSV]

2. Thought for Thought:

  • New International Version [NIV]
  • Today’s English Version [TEV]
  • Contemporary English Version [CEV]
  • New Living Translation [NLT]
  • Good News Bible [GNB]
  • Jerusalem Bible [JB]
  • New English Bible [NEB]

3. Paraphrase:

  • The Living Bible [LB]
  • The Message
  • Phillips Bible

4.Theologically Biased:

  • Jehovah Witness’s New World Translation
  • The Amplified Bible [AMP]

5. Culturally Biased:

  • Complete Jewish Bible [CJB]

By knowing the functions of the Bibles, it helps settle some disputes between people who study scripture.

Q – What does this information have to do with the Sacred Name Movement?

Remember? The Bibles they use are:

  1. Restoration of the Original Sacred Name Bible
  2. The Book of Yahweh
  3. Sacred Scriptures
  4. Holy Name Bible
  5. Exegeses Ready Research Bible

 The Sacred Name Movement is using aTheologically Biased Bible. It cannot function as a Word for Word Function, which they are trying to do!