Teachings of YESHUA the Pharisee |
Talmudic teachings of the Pharisees |
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath –Mark 2:27 |
The Sabbath was given into your hands, and you were not given into her hands – Yoma 85b |
By not doing for others you betray G-d – Matthew 25:45 | One who betrays his fellow, it is as if he has betrayed G-d – Tosefta Sh’vuot, ch 3 |
Insulting someone is like murder – Matthew 5:21-22 | One who shames the face of his fellow, it is as if he has murdered him – Bava Mezia 58b |
Gazing lustfully upon a married woman is akin to adultery – Matthew 5:28 | One who gazes lustfully upon the small finger of a married woman, it is as if he has committed adultery with her – Kallah Ch 1 |
G-d causes it to rain for the wicked as well as for the righteous – Matthew 5:45 | G-d causes it to rain for the wicked as well as for the righteous – Taanit 7a |
Don’t do good deeds to be noticed – Matthew 6:1 | Don’t do good deeds to be noticed –Berachot 17b |
Give alms to the poor in secret; let your left hand not know what your right hand does – Matthew 6:3 | The greatest form of charity is when you give and do not know to whom you give, and the recipient takes and does not know from whom he takes– Bava Batra 10b |
Do not elongate your prayers – Matthew 6:7 | One who prays too intensely and too lengthily brings on himself heartache– Berachot 55a |
Do not worry about where your food will come tomorrow or your drink –Matthew 6:25-31 | He who has what to eat today, and says, ‘What shall I eat the morrow?’ has little faith – Sotah 48b |
Each day has enough of its own troubles – Matthew 6:34 | Each day has enough of its own troubles – Berachot 9b |
Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No – Matthew 5:34-37 | A righteous yes is a Yes; a righteous no is No – Batra 49b |
Wisdom was given to the babes – Matthew 11:25 | Prophecy has been taken from the wise and given it to babes – Baba Batra 12b |
It is much better to lose a limb than for your whole body to go to hell – Matthew 5:29-30 | Better that one’s belly burst than one should go down to the pit of destruction – Niddah 13:b |
Do not be called ‘Rabbi’ –Matthew 23:8 | Despise the position of Rabbi – Avot 1:10 |
The Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him – Matthew 24:44 | Three things come upon a man when he does not expect them: a lost item, the sting of a scorpion, and the Messiah – Sanhedrin 97a |
Yeshua taught in a parable that they can please the king [G-d] by pleasing one another – Matthew 35:40 | One who is pleasing unto other people is pleasing unto G-d – Avot 3:3 |
Love your enemy – Matthew 5:43 | They who are insulted but insult not back; who hear themselves reproached but answer not; who serve out love and rejoice in their affliction—of them it is written in scripture: They that love G-d are as the going forth of the sun in its might – Yoma 23a, Gitin 36b, Shabat 88b |
There will be no marital union in the world to come –Matthew 23:23 | There will be no marital union in the world to come -–Ma'srot 4:5-6 |
When the Pharisees went out to question Yochanan the Immerser about who Yochanan was, he said that one of THEM [the Pharisees] was the Messiah to come. “John answered them saying, ‘I baptize in water but AMONG YOU stands One whom you do not know. It is He who come after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie” [John 1:26-27]
Here are some examples where Yeshua agreed with Hillel that are found in all four of the Gospels
Comparison of Yeshua and Hillel’s Teachings
Teachings |
Yeshua |
Hillel |
Critical of tithing of plants grown only for seeds |
Matthew 23:23 |
Ma’asrot 4:5-6 |
The “Golden Rule” | Matthew 7:12 | Shabbat 31a |
Healing by Faith on the Sabbath was allowed | Mark 3:2-4 | Tosefta Shabbat 7:14 |
Reached out to sinners and taught them | Luke, Chapter 15 | Avot D’Rebbe Natan 3:1 |
Allowed the handling of an item on Sabbath for which there was no need | John, Chapter 5 | Betzah 26b |
POINT: The Talmud, when compared with scripture, shows that Yeshua upheld its Pharisaic teachings. His criticism was within the framework of discussions with them as they were always critical of themselves [“a family argument”]