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This is the 44th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 1:1 to Deuteronomy 3:22.

It answers the questions:

Did Moses write the Book of Deuteronomy?

Is the Torah repeated in the Book of Deuteronomy?

What are the five hindrances to moving on with God?



This is the 45th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 3:23 to Deuteronomy 7:11.

It answers the questions:

What are the four speeches in the Book of Deuteronomy?

What is your “get out of jail free” card and how do you get it?

Why do you need it?

How does the “10 Words” (Commandments) relate to your “Ultimate Absolute”?

The Hebrew letters of Ayin and Daled spelled out. What does it mean and why is it important to you?



This is the 46th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 7:12 to Deuteronomy 11:25.

It answers the questions:

Is works “Legalism”?

What is “True Obedience”?



This is the 47th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 11:26 to Deuteronomy 16:17.

It answers the questions:

What is the difference between Polytheism and Monotheism?

Is Yeshua a Jewish Prophet or Christian Prophet?



This is the 48th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 16:18  to Deuteronomy 21:9.

It answers the questions:

Is Deuteronomy the second law of the Torah?
How does Moses and Yeshua compare as Redeemers?
How do you tell a false prophet from a true prophet?
Can a prophet prophesy something that is true and still be a false prophet? If yes, How?
Can the Blood Avenger (goel) show pity?


Ki Tetze

This is the 49th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 21:10  to Deuteronomy 25:19.

It answers the questions:

What is the procedure of a foreign woman, taken captive as result of war, and an Israelite soldier who wants to marry her?

What are the two recorded deaths of Judas?

What was Yeshua’s Halachah (the way of the walk) on divorce and remarriage?

What does it truly mean to be unequally yaked?

Why is Isaiah never read in Jewish Synagogues?

According to Judaism, who is the “suffering servant?"


Ki Tavo

This is the 50th of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 26:1 to Deuteronomy 29:8 (*9).
(* = variations of numbering in different translations)

It answers the questions:

How do we take “possession of the Land”?

How was First Fruits handled during the time of the Temple?

How is the believer to understand the curses?

What did Paul mean by the phrase “the curse of the law”?

Did the Covenants replace each other or is the covenants still in effect? Can you explain your answer?



This is the 51st of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 29:9 (*10)  to Deuteronomy 30:20.
(* = variations of numbering in different translations)

It answers the questions:

What three items did treaties always have?

What are the three ingredients needed to maintain our relationship with God?

What is meant by the term: “workers of lawlessness”?

What does “blot out his name “mean?

How is salt both good and bad?



This is the 52nd of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 31:1 to Deuteronomy 31:30.

It answers the questions:

What will be your life change if you become one of God’s people and “cross over”?
What are the three phases of Holy War?
How does Moses “encourage and strengthen” Joshua?



This is the 53rd of 54 Parshas of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 32:1  to Deuteronomy 32:52.

It answers the questions:

How does Moses say goodbye to the nation of Israel?
What is the miracle of the dew and the rain?
What is the difference between Moses’ two songs?
What does “El Shaddai” mean?
Who does the song of Moses compare to the song of the Lamb?
By what standard will we have to answer to our lives before our Creator?


Vezot ha'Barcha

This is the 54th of 54 and the last Parsha of the Torah. It covers Deuteronomy 33:1 to Genesis 34:12.

It answers the questions:

Is the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) “Torah” or “Commentary”?

WHY do you think it is important to know the correct definition of the word “TORAH”?

When Yeshua called Himself “The Son of Man”, what did the Jewish person understand?

Is the Torah of Yeshua, sometimes referred to as “Torah [Law] of Love”, different than the Torah of Moses?
